Monday 26 January 2009



Pissed Yourself Again Records is proud to unveil their latest signing, the sub-Polish principled grind band GROTBAGS, with a vicious and relevant CD.

Born in an abandoned Duhr Valley industrial estate by vocalist Tax State Murder (ex-DO ME A FAVOUR) and maniac drummer Crippled 3rd World Economy (who bashed major skins on 'There Is Absolutely No Way You Will Ever Be Released From This Shitty Fucken Nightmare', debut 7" by Jappo-Scandinavian crust nutters SHITFUCKPISS?), GROTBAGS instantly recorded a cover of bovver-oi classic 'Nob Off Maggie' by TWAT THE BARRISTER and were subsequently accused of being racist bloody Poles.

But they weren't, and they proved it with the landmark-defining very left-wing classic 'The War Isn't Finished In Our Heads Yet' LP on the Embarrassing Rash label. Benefit tours followed with the likes of RAT INFESTED DEPOT, THE HEART ATTACK NIXONS, BODGED EXTENSION, SUFFERPRAT and CHILDREN WHO SLEEP WITH HAND GRENADES BY FORCE.

Then all of a sudden tragedy struck in 2006 when bassist and activist Revolting Human Cost (ex-WE THINK OIL IS THE MOTIVE) got arrested for passing betting slips in Hyde Park and being drunk in charge of a petrol-driven lawnmower and asked for five other amusing 1950s-style crimes to be taken into consideration, including pilfering from the Christmas Club money and scrumping.

Released from prison in time for the last Indiana Jones film, Revolting walked straight into the recording of the much-awaited Grotbags sophomore debut, the majestically dismal 'Discarded Limbs Still Butter The Anus Of War'. Legendary activist Swampy turns up to do guest haranguing on track hundred and nine, 'Don't Say Yes To These Bastards With Your Apathy', while the artwork was designed specially for the band by Mother Nature, who delayed the first rays of spring so she could do all the stencilling round the edges by hand.

Promotion is being done by rhythm guitarist Sodding Corporate Scheme (ex-GRATIA PAYMENT), who can be reached on 081-811-8181 during dole hours.


Ex-husband and wife power electronics duo EXPLOITATIVEjpeg first realised they could kick up a racket when their neighbours reported them to the police. In the midst of an acrimonious divorce they worked on their debut album 'Frequently Coerced Into All Sorts Of Unpleasantness', the title track of which was cited as evidence in court. Every track was based on one of the many domestic arguments that they recorded and catalogued; the punishing frequencies of 'I Said I Wanted To Watch Fucking Newsnight' segued neatly into the brooding ambient hum of 'My Mother Was Right About You', culminating in the sparse, disturbing epic 'Take The Kids (They're Not Mine Anyway)'.

And now, despite the restraining order, they're back together on the album they were contractually obliged to complete.

So on either this or next Valentine's Day (haha!) Battered To A Crisp Records will release two identically-shaped mp3 EPs: 'Walked Into A Door' and 'Pushed Down The Stairs'. They will come packaged with free his and hers boxes of tissues, and an ironic plastic toy like in a Kinder Egg.

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